Thank you!

As the 2016 season comes to a close, I look back and reflect on the journey that has been music. Along the way I made some great new friends, I got to go to different places around the world to share my hope in Christ; but most importantly, I had so many wonderful opportunities to serve!!First and foremost, I want to say thank you! Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your generosity. You guys have been the best part of my experience; and, it’s because of you that I am excited to create, minister and fellowship in 2017. Your prayers, encouragement and generosity were key to the success of this journey; and,I am both grateful and humbled.

thankyou_idpI am prayerful that God will guide my steps in 2017 and allow me even more opportunity to serve and to fellowship. If my mission impacted you in any way in 2016, would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in 2017 as a member of The Upper Room? Be the first to find out dates for the #BeAProblem2017Tour. Get exclusive access to my entire catalog plus exclusive content not available anywhere else. And most importantly, know that your partnership makes it possible for me to not only make #RidiculouslyPhenomenal music, it allows me to continue to go out and make disciples by sharing the reason for the hope I have in Jesus Christ.

Someone recently asked me what do I want to accomplish through my music. The answer is simple: I want to share the love and show the love of Christ – not only in my “performance” on stage; but also, in my service to the people and communities with whom I come into contact. Here is looking forward to another great year in 2017!! #BeatsRhymesChrist #Musicianary #BeAProblem

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