IDP Music is a missions and outreach ministry department of Artists in Christian Testimony International and is represented by Damon 'Idiomz' Curtis and Sharon Curtis. We have been a part of the core staff of The Reach Alliance since 2019 and now contribute our talents, experience, and assistance to the important work of carrying hope and love to hurting and broken people around the world; and, awakening and raising up other artists and creatives to use their gifts in the same way.

There are pockets of people who have been overlooked and neglected by society at large, and even by the church. These ‘outcasts’ have been labeled as unreachable and an acceptable loss. They have limited or no access to local resources, they don’t trust people in general (and especially the church), and they struggle to find any meaning and value in their lives.
These people are on the fringes. They are the counter-culture and the anti-churched. They go out of their way to blend into the shadows because they feel as if they don't fit in anywhere else. . .
As musicianaries we have a unique access to these communities that tend to be out of the reach of traditional outreach. Because of this unique access, we are able to use our talents and gifts to create an all-inclusive environment where these people can come and feel valued. We help to build bridges between local resources and these communities so that, even after we move on, there is ongoing care in place.
Through the use of music, we seek to break down barriers. We seek to open minds and open hearts so that we can sow a seed. And ultimately, we seek to help build relationships locally so that the seeds that we plant can be nurtured and grown.

As full-time members of the core staff of The Reach Alliance and The Extreme Tour project team, we are committed to serving these communities by providing a non-traditional outreach resource to our local partners both domestically and abroad. By bringing an engaging and FREE event to our partner communities which include music and activities that appeal to our target audience, a setting is created where we, along with our partners, are able to DEMONSTRATE the love of God with no strings attached. In this space, services and resources that meet the critical needs of the community are made available.
This is more than just full-time ministry. This is a call to service, and we are committed to being obedient in responding to this call. We would love for you to prayerfully consider how you may be able to partner with us in this effort. We invite you to experience our Ministry In Action; and, to learn more about how you can help us to open hearts, open minds, and change lives.

Ministry In Action