Music is the language of the spirit. It can change the world because it can change people. Where mere words fail, music speaks. Music is one of the greatest gifts and tools that God has given us; yet, it is just that – a tool. Music does not replace our need for God; rather, it helps us to grow closer to Him. Ministry through music comes with a great burden and responsibility. Because of its potency, we must handle music with care – ensuring that its message is God-honoring and for His glory – not our own.
Therefore, our purpose is to unashamedly give a reason for the hope [faith] that we have in Jesus through the transformative power/influence of music and artistic expression (1 Peter 3:15). We strive to accomplish this through transparency and authenticity (Ephesians 4:25) while maintaining a spirit of quality and excellence that is worthy of Him. Through more than just music, we intend to serve the community within our reach directly, intentionally, and lovingly (Galatians 5:13) through fellowship and with humility.

. . . To reach a disenfranchised and underserved people group with an authentic and effective demonstration and declaration of God's love and the Gospel using music and artistic expression.

. . . To connect local at-risk, counterculture, and unchurched youth and adults to the churches and agencies in their communities who have a heart to welcome and reach them.

The Non-Negotiables
2 Corinthians 3:5
The doctrines of the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the bodily resurrection, human sinfulness, the atoning work of Christ on the cross, and salvation by grace through faith make up the essential, distinctive nature of Christianity. With regard to these essential doctrines, there can be no conflicting opinions of those who call themselves true followers of Christ.
We Are Students of the Word and Lovers of Scripture
Romans 10:17
There is no denying our passion for the Word. Our walk in faith is a continuous #GrowthInProgress – as we continue to seek the Word, so shall we grow in the Word.
We Are Accountable to the Body of Christ
1 Peter 5:5
We are active in our local fellowship. We are contributors to the body. We are a part of a Spirit-filled community of believers who share in the beliefs of the basic truths of the Christian faith.
We Choose to Walk in Holiness
2 Corinthians 3:18
We are sinners by nature. Jesus died so that we may be forgiven of our sins. We walk in repentance; therefore, we choose to live in a way in which we will experience continued growth in Holiness over time.
We Believe in the Power of Prayer
Philippians 4:6
We embrace prayer as a lifestyle. Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God.
Our Ministry Extends Beyond Music
Colossians 1:25
Our service extends beyond our music and creative expression. When we are no longer able to 'perform' on stage, we will continue to demonstrate and declare the love of God at every opportunity.