Grass Roots Music

You hear the term grassroots a lot when it comes to politics. Usually, it’s the guy that doesn’t have the money to run the race, but he puts together a campaign built on the blood, sweat and tears of his supporters and their efforts to raise the funds necessary for him to run the race. Well, my sophomore offering is being handled in much the same way. I don’t have major label backing . . . . As a matter of fact, I don’t even have solid backing from a reputable independent label . . . All I have is my local network of like-minded artists, producers and song writers; My closest friends and family; and my handfull of fans to help me to get my message heard. It isn’t going to be easy; however, I am confident that we will be successful . . . .

With that being said, I would be a fool not to acknowledge that I am down by three touchdowns with 30 seconds left in the 4th quarter. First of all, this “game” is saturated with a million cats who, with the aid of a computer and some el-cheapo beat-making software, think they are the next Tupac or Biggie. Make no mistake, That’s not what I am after! Second of all, hip-hop is fickle. It will eat its young and spit out the remains without so much as a second thought. And even though I try to separate my self from the monster that hip-hop has become as of late, it is still a part of my being and I am asking it to embrace me rather than devour me . . . .

Therefore, in my effort to grow my fan base, my approach is much like that of a grassroots political campaign: I have been doing this hip-hop thing since I was thirteen years old; which means, I have plenty of  years of pipe dreams and the sad reality that comes with them under my belt.

I don’t claim to be the best emcee. I don’t claim to represent the hood or any particular set or nothing like that. I work a regular 9 to 5 day job so that I can feed my kids and keep a roof over their heads. I drive a 1997 Saturn station wagon with no A/C . . . .

You shouldn’t listen to my music because it’s the next best thing since sliced bread – cause its not. You shouldn’t listen to my music because I role deep with this crew or that crew – cause I don’t. You shouldn’t listen to my music because I won this award or that award – because I have not. You should listen to my music because you enjoy GOOD music. You should listen to my music because I have something say. You should listen to my music because you are tired of Tom, Dick and Joe spittin’ the same garbage at you on the radio day in and day out. You should listen to my music because you have an appreciation for well thought-out lyrics, simple yet effective production and an open mind . . . .

So please, come back often, as I will be constantly updating this page with music, pictures and other media for your enjoyment. And while your at it, if you like any of what I say or do, tell a friend . . . . I am Idiomz, and I approve this blog.

God Bless!

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