The Life and Times of a Musicianary

Wouldn’t you know it?!?! The 2018 Outreach was such a blessed and wonderful experience that I decided to give it another go in 2019!!!

Okay, so to put it all in context, when I came home from spending time on the west coast with The Extreme Tour, I felt a yearning to do more. At the time, I wasn’t sure what that meant; but at the least, I knew I would at least apply to tour again in 2019. And then there was God . . . .

Two thousand years ago Jesus told an eager young man to “sell what you own” and “come, follow me.” In that exchange, the young man walked away saddened because Jesus’ call meant that he would have to give up all that he had . . . Earlier this year, my wife and I heard a similar call from Jesus to sell what we own, leave our jobs and follow Him. Our response? It was a no-brainer . . . HECK YEAH! Let’s go!!!

So with much prayer and consideration, my wife and I have decided to follow God into long term mission and outreach as staff members with The Extreme Tour! This isn’t an attempt to glorify ourselves or the music; rather, this is a genuine opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ – using music only as a tool.

While the music is effective at building a bridge to the communities we serve, it’s what happens off the stage that makes all the difference in the world! For a long time, I used to think that I could be most effective in my ministry if I had a larger audience, more social media followers or a bigger buzz. But through my experience as a participant with The Extreme Tour, God has shown me that [any] ministry is most effective when we focus on Him and allow His Holy Spirit to do the work in those to who we minister.

This is a huge deal for my wife and I because we are truly stepping out in faith trusting God for His provision, and trusting God that He will use us to effectively communicate the reason for the hope we have in Him.

I am so grateful that you have been with me through my #GrowthInProgress, and now that we are entering into this new season, I hope that you will continue to walk along side as we seek to be obedient to God’s call. I invite you to learn more about our mission, vision and calling by visiting the Outreach page on my website. As always, we appreciate your prayers and notes of encouragement. Thank you, and God bless!

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